Drawing on our expertise and research, our faculty is dedicated to enabling students to use scientific approaches to discovery and understanding.
It defines the successes of students at bet36365体育, whether in the humanities, sciences, education, or business.
Curriculum at bet36365体育 is designed to be student-centered and intellectually challenging, while preparing students through field and internship experiences.
We provide value to Nebraska by preparing students to compete in dynamic professional environments and by promoting academic, social, technological and economic development.
You must be admitted into Teacher Education before you are allowed to enroll in TE 833. You will receive an email with the application in your first or second semester. See requirements below.
Complete TE 831P with a “C” (2.0 GPA) or better and be enrolled in TE 832.
Establish and maintain a bet36365体育 overall GPA of 2.75 or higher.
TCP students achieve department recommendation in one of two ways:
1) with a completed Program of Study review on file in the Educator Certification Office, or
2) copies of transitional certification recommendation forms on file in the Educator Certification Office.
Before you participate in any field experience, you are required to establish the absence of a criminal conviction (misdemeanor or felony) that would prevent you from receiving a Nebraska teaching certificate (Rule 20) and provide evidence of sufficient emotional or mental fitness (Rule 21). You will satisfy this requirement in TE 831P by completing a background check, personal and professional fitness form, criminal history form, and by submitting court papers, if applicable. Court papers for all convictions, other than traffic violations, MIP, and DUI, must on file in the Educator Certification Office.
Important: If your Rule 20 and/or Rule 21 status changes, you must inform the Educator Certification Office immediately and provide court papers when available. Failing to do so may cause your admission to Teacher Education to be delayed or revoked. Furthermore, if you do not inform the Educator Certification Office of a conviction (Rule 20) or an order of determination (Rule 21) before it is discovered on your background check, your admission into the Teacher Education Program and student teaching may be delayed or denied.